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Cristina Fernández de Kirchner simply adores playing the role of the victim of political persecution. “Never has a judicial term been so appropriate to define what this court is: it is a firing squad,” she said last Tuesday from her Senate office. The charges against her: “illicit association” and “aggravated fraudulent administration,” in the so-called “Vialidad case.”

She went even further when she linked (and stretched) her hypothesis to the assassination attempt she suffered on September 1. Obviously, she finds it hard to accept that we are all equal before the law, regardless of our status in society, age, gender, race, culture and religion.

Maybe she’s used to the more lenient, more tolerant Santa Cruz legal system. I remember when she told Oscar Parrilli that they had to put the squeeze on certain judges, to corner them. It seems that neither Luciani nor Mola are “squeezable” prosecutors, fortunately, and don’t fear the vice-president, in spite of the fact that she has warned us all that we should fear God and her too (a little). If she is convicted on December 6, the State Workers Association (ATE) will react: “If they touch Cristina… we stop the state.” Frankly, it will make no difference because the mammoth Argentine State has proved to be incompetent, ineffective, hopeless.

Irene Bianchi , Ringuelet, La Plata





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